Driverless mobility is believed to be a major technological, economic and social revolution over the next few years. However, the voice of citizens remains largely ignored although it is increasingly important to bringing a sense of trust within our nations. To address this problem, we have worked with several partners to launch an international citizen dialogue on driverless vehicles, enabling non-expert citizens to express their views and make contributions to this complex issue. This initiative was successful in France and has since been replicated on a global scale alongside a coalition of international partners.


The exploratory phase was run in 2018, in five French cities and two US cities. In 2019, seventeen areas in nine countries also organized a second series of deliberations involving creating scenarios, discussing trust and policy. The third dialogue phase kicked off in 2020 and 2021, in Europe, North and South America, Oceania, Asia and Africa. The protocol for the dialogue was built by experts and public and private partners, and was tested and approved in various contexts and extended generally through partnerships that were built and nurtured over time.
To ensure high-quality dialogue, Missions Publiques trained over 20 national partners in citizen dialogue methods globally, creating a community of players. This new approach is a powerful starting point for richer conversations about driverless vehicles for private mobility companies and public authorities.


The outcomes of the consultation show that citizens have mixed feelings about autonomous mobility, with some wariness surrounding the technology, but they are also curious about it and interested in its potential benefits. Participants highlighted several concerns, such as safety, regulations, the impact on the environment and society, as well as responsibilities in the event of an accident involving an autonomous vehicle.

Further information

From January 2018 to December 2021, alongside many partners (groupings of conurbations of Sophia Antipolis and La Rochelle, the Grand Paris Seine & Oise urban community, as well as Rennes Métropole and Toulouse Métropole. The French Ministry of Ecological and Social Transition and companies including Autonomy, Airbus, Allianz, Kéolis and Vinci, through its Léonard institute).